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This Modern Buddhist “Meditation” Actually Transforms Moods & Energy



Life. Can. Be. Challenging. And it can be pretty hard to feel positive or loving when your edges are getting pushed.

Fortunately, our Advanced Holistic Counseling tm helps our clients to get back into a positive state by using a ton of Holistic Tools in addition to ​​​​​​ traditional Psychotherapy.

One of my favorite spiritual tools that helps clients get out of a negative funk is not only practical, but is also extremely effective at relieving frustration, irritation, anger, resent, hopelessness, sadness, judgement or rejection.

The Prayer of Loving Kindness is kind of amazing. It’s easy to recite, anyone can do it, and it causes an immediate energy shift the first time you try it.

Now, don’t worry::: you don’t need to be a yogi or go to church every Sunday to use this Buddhist prayer. In fact, you don’t even need to believe in “prayer” at all, and it’s unlikely to offend any of your existing practices or beliefs. Simply think of The Prayer of Loving Kindness as if you are reading a lovely poem or reciting an affirmation that will change your overall energy in a snap.

There are many versions of The Prayer of Loving Kindness, but all of them appear to be strategically written. Basically, the prayer is layered and it ramps up your compassion towards everyone, everything, everywhere in stages.

1) First, you say a brief prayer for yourself because you want to feel happier, be healthier, and be well.

2) Then, you say the prayer about someone you care about. This step usually feels really good and generates a lot of positive vibes. And even though you want the best for those you love, you probably spend a lot of time sending them blessings and good-fortune, so this is a great opportunity to out some loving energy.

3) Next, you are invited to imagine someone you’re having a hard time thinking positively about and say the Prayer of Loving Kindness for them. This will help to melt your annoyance towards them and replace it with compassion. I know, I know. You’re probably thinking that they don’t deserve your compassion, but just do it anyway. Remember::: softening your anger or judgement will always make YOU feel better and frankly will make your energy overall more lovely.

4) Finally, you send the earth and all of it’s beings the same loving kindness. This can help you feel less judgmental towards other countries or humans in general, allows you to bless the animals and oceans, and create a feeling of one-ness with everything. And since “one-ness” is a feeling we all treasure (think of being at a rock concert or sports game where you’re totally in sync with all of the other people cheering), The Prayer of Loving Kindness smartly ends on this note.

“And poof! Just like that, this little prayer has transformed your negativity into a much more positive state. In fact, even if you don’t want to feel better, it will probably release some of your lower emotions and help you feel neutral. “

When it boils down to it, the only thing keeping us stuck in our unhappiness is OURSELVES. Why not give yourself this gift today? Use The Prayer of Loving Kindness and watch your energy shift into a more positive state- which not only affects your mood, but is also very likely to transform the energy in your relationships, financial, career, and success goals, too! (Afterall, energy is energy 🙂


Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breath in. Breath out. Relax into some deep breaths. Open your eyes and read this verse:

May I be filled with loving kindness. May I be well. May I be peaceful and at ease May I be happy.

Breath in. Breath out. Relax into some deep breaths. Now think of someone you care about and say the prayer for them:

May “John” be filled with loving kindness. May he be well. My he be peaceful and at ease. May he be happy.

Breath in. Breath out. Relax into some deep breaths. Now expand the prayer out to someone who you have difficulties with:

May “Lucy” be filled with loving kindness. May she be well. May she be peaceful and at ease. May she be happy.

Breath in. Breath out. Relax into some deep breaths. Now expand the prayer out to groups of people, nations, or those who are suffering:

May all of the people of the world be filled with loving kindness. May they be well. May they be peaceful and at ease. May they be happy.

Breath in. Breath out. Relax into some deep breaths. Now expand the prayer to the whole earth:

May Mother Earth be filled with loving kindness. May the trees be well, may all the animals be well, may the oceans and mountains be well. May the whole earth be well. May she be peaceful and at ease. May she be happy.

After this, you can gradually begin to include others: friends, community members, neighbors, people everywhere, animals, the whole earth, and all beings. You can even experiment with including the most difficult people in your life, wishing that they too be filled with loving kindness and peace. With some practice, this Buddhist prayer can be used frequently to create a more dominant sense of compassion for yourself and others, can be used to send healing energy to others, and can transform challenges in relationships.

Beth Miller, LCSW-R, CEC, CAHC is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Life Coach, energy healer, meditation teacher, and spiritual counselor in private practice in Bayport, Long Island, New York, USA. She is the owner of the group practice POSITIVE ENERGY Holistic Counseling & Institute where she and her fabulous team of therapists use the breakthrough model Advanced Holistic Counseling & Coaching™ to create transformational change in their clients. Beth is the creator of the trademarked Advanced Holistic Counseling & Coaching™: Modern therapy that combines the very best of traditional psychotherapy with life coaching, energy healing, science, and spirituality. Now, Licensed Therapists, Healers, and Coaches can learn how to experience huge transformation in themselves, their clients, and their careers by becoming Certified in Advanced Holistic Counseling & Coaching™.  For free holistic and psychotherapy tools, visit the POSITIVE ENERGY Holistic Counseling & Institute YouTube channel, or contact us directly via phone at 631-533-0708 or email at



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