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What Gabby Bernstein’s Stilettos Taught Me At Hay House Conference


I recently attended the Hay House Writer’s workshop and had some pretty cool take-aways.  There were some big names in the world of self-help on stage, teaching us all about the craft of writing and how to broadcast our messages.  You know Gabrielle Bernstein?  May Cause Miracles and Spirit Junkie author? If not, you would like her.  She’s got just the right mix of rad and righteous, just the perfect spin on spiritual meets “what’s up girl?”

I had a funny thing happen to me the morning I was getting ready to get on the 6 am train from the suburbs to get to the Javitz Center by 8. I’ll admit I’m embarrassed about it, but I’m going to share it for all the right teaching reasons.  As usual, spirit helps me see something within myself  that perhaps is a gift for you, too.

So here was the situation:  I was getting dressed. It was dark in my room (I left the lights off so my husband could sleep while I got ready) and I was feeling around for my jewelry.  And as I was layering on my rings, earing, bracelets and putting on some red lipstick, I had this crazy, self-conscious thought.  I wondered/worried/considered “Will I fit in at the crunchy Hay House warm -and- feely symposium with all this bling on?”

I was shocked.  How could I be so shallow? Was I actually preoccupied with who or what I will fit in with?  I mean, I am confident and self-assured….uhhh, I guess unless it’s 4:30 am and I’m about to go to a conference where I hope something life-changing will happen for me.  And the weirdest, most bizarre part was that I actually had a thought about what Gabby Bernstein wore on the cover of her May Cause Miracles book jacket.  Casual. Not too showy.  Chill in white cotton and light makeup.

So I got dressed and yes, in case you are curious, I did wear all my jewelry and lipstick. As a matter of fact, I totally forgot about my pre-dawn mental foray into wondering what anyone would think of me.

And then I got to the event and about one third of the women were in high boots, skirts, funky jewelry, and all sorts of trendy items.  I thought:  “Oh, this tribe has gotten fashionable since I last  saw you all at Omega!”

And here’s the best part.  After a few fabulous speakers, Gabby was announced and you know what she comes out wearing?  Super tight white skinny jean leggings, a loose white tank top, and sky-high stilettos.  No joke. Did I mention the bright red lipstick?

She tells us that early on in her career (before it was one) she was having groups in her living room that were “Carrie Bradshaws that wanted to be Marianne Williamsons”.  In other words, pop-cultured style -devotees desperately seeking spiritual connection.

And I just laughed and laughed and laughed at myself in my seat in the audience.  I realized what my jewelry self-consciousness was all about.  Will I fit it?  Am I the type that can make an impact in my field?  Do I have the look, the style, the presentation of someone succeeding?  Do I look like an author- no, scratch that-  do I look like a self-help author?

I want to say thank you Gabby Bernstein.  Because you do not look like yester-years self-growth teachers.  You look like ONE of todays.  You have stilettos, and some have Birkenstocks, and some reject footwear all together. Some wear tight skinny jeans while others exclusively wear robes or white frocks.  Some shave their heads, some layer on the hair extensions  Because today’s contemporary spiritual teachers are as diverse as the Thank-God growing audience that loves, wants, and needs what “expanding consciousness” has to offer.

Thank you Gabby Bernstein for being yourself, for being authentic to YOU.  Because of the many, many important bits of wisdom  I got from your talk, one of the best was that being yourself is your most powerful stance in life.  And your shoes (of all things!) broadcasted this deeply spiritual message loud and clear.

Spirituality is no longer occurring only in ashrams or healing schools.  It’s at Niemen Marcus and Kohls, book clubs and reality tv, PTA meetings and even bars.  We are everywhere and we are spreading like an equal opportunity forest fire of love.  The  face of spiritually-informed world views is the same as it’s core message:  everyone is welcome here, and love is the light that unites us.  And I’m right there with you all, bracelets jangling all the way.

Take a moment now to ask yourself if you are being all-in authentic to who you are, in every way.  If not, perhaps it is costing you success or vibrancy or truth or clarity.  Like Gabby, you are  at your highest and best when you claim and broadcast the truest you to the world. It’s the most powerful version of you that there is. 

Beth Miller, LCSW-R, CEC, CAHC is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Life Coach, energy healer, meditation teacher, and spiritual counselor in private practice in Bayport, Long Island, New York, USA. She is the owner of the group practice POSITIVE ENERGY Holistic Counseling & Institute where she and her fabulous team of therapists use the breakthrough model Advanced Holistic Counseling & Coaching™ to create transformational change in their clients. Beth is the creator of the trademarked Advanced Holistic Counseling & Coaching™: Modern therapy that combines the very best of traditional psychotherapy with life coaching, energy healing, science, and spirituality. Now, Licensed Therapists, Healers, and Coaches can learn how to experience huge transformation in themselves, their clients, and their careers by becoming Certified in Advanced Holistic Counseling & Coaching™.  For free holistic and psychotherapy tools, visit the POSITIVE ENERGY Holistic Counseling & Institute YouTube channel, or contact us directly via phone at 631-533-0708 or email at


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